Thursday 1 December 2016

BETT Show 2019

Yes, time has come once again to showcase what you have been doing. I am hoping to do another presentation at the Bett show this coming Jan and hope to see you all there.
BETT Show 2019

I have also prepared an eGuide to help you run RiskITWeek successfully in your school. the eGuide can also be found here on my blog
if you require any copies please let me know

I would also like to invite one person who run the project successfully in their school to come and talk about it. so please contact me through the website or twitter or even my phone number (all on the website) if you are interested.

Sunday 10 January 2016

RiskItWeek in 2016

First, let me thank all those schools who have taken part in the RiskITWeek this Academic year. Please make sure you send your clip videos to Naace as they will be judging the winner. in the future all participants will get a prize of some sort. we are still in the process of finalising the value and who should get it: the RiskITWeek coordinator who puts all the efforts and energy in organising the whole event or the school. (your views are welcome)

I am also looking for schools who like to contribute images and blurbs to a book that I will be giving to schools throughout as good practice. (free of charge, subject to finance, copies may be limited).

If you are a company and would like to put an ad in the book, then please contact me, as this will help with the printing.

the first book was based on my previous school, you can find the text here. RiskITWeek Book

I have recently read an article on the newspaper about teachers who barely use the technology in classrooms. (the article can be found here technology barely- used by half of teachers.). the simple answer is RiskITWeek.

Here is what Westfields Junior School says:
"I loved the idea of using crumble but
was a bit nervous of the concept as I
haven’t used it before. It is easy Scratch
like block coding and the pupils picked
it up straight away, could debug and
evaluate their program. It is a great bit
of kit and I would definitely use it
again. It was worth the risk."
Teachers name Mr Darren Chapin
Westfields Junior School